



广州市饰必美梯配件有限公司是一家专业从事电梯周边配件产销的电梯配套公司,同时承接电梯,扶梯,观光梯,手扶梯,升降梯装潢。主营:报站灯,LED灯,艺术照明灯,扶手,液晶显示,内外呼,按钮等相关设备。目前经过5年的积累与沉淀拥有了独特的销售系统和保养维护服务体系,为广大客户提供专业的设计和参考,质的服务和产品,精致的装潢和装饰。 公司与迅达,OTIS,蒂森,通力,日立,三菱等国内外知名电梯厂商建立了稳定的战略合作伙伴关系,形成一条完整的产业链。 公司本着精诚所至金石为开的原则,争取希望和更广大的客户合作深入交流,力争上游。本公司位于经济大都市广州,交通方便,运输过程简单。 如果您希望更进一步了解我们,请联系我们,必将竭诚为您服务!的设计、的产品、的服务就是“饰必美”人对您永恒的承诺。

Guangzhou Super Mei Elevator Accessories Limited Corporation is a company specializing in producing and marketing elevator accessories, and also undertaking decorating the elevator, escalator, sightseeing elevator, lift. Main Business :stop lights, LED lights, art lighting , handrails , LCD , inside and outside call, buttons and other related requirements . After 5 years’ accumulation and precipitation, now we own the special marketing system and maintenance system, and to provide the most professional designs, the best services and products, the most exquisite decorations to our customers.

Our company has established stable relationship with the Schindler, OTIS, Thyssen, KONE, Hitachi, Mitsubishi and other well-known elevator manufacturers and formed a complete industrial chain.

Our company faith the principle of no difficulty is insurmountable if one sets one's mind on it and hope to communicate with majority customers. Our company is located in the capital of economic—Guangzhou, which have convenient traffic and transportation.

If you want to understand more about us, please contact us. We promise provide best service for you! The best design, the best products and the best service are the forever promises that Super Mei for you .



  • 主营: 电梯装潢,电梯配件
  • 地址: 广州市海珠区南洲路48号216B
  • 联系: 吴经理
  • 手机: 13500006950
  • 电话: 020-89890203
  • 传真: 020-89890203
  • 本站共被浏览过 1413 次

