


  • 公司: 东莞市惠嵩电子有限公司
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东莞市惠嵩电子有限公司创办于2002年,专业从事电位器、编码器、电子开关.插座的开发与制造。2004年在浙江开设新工厂,上海、福建、江苏、山东均有办事处,公司目前厂房面积10000m2,现有职工1000余人,其中专业技术人才100余名。公司通过全体同仁近10多年的共同努力,现已实现新产品研发、模具制造、零部件制造、成品装配的一体化;造就了“惠嵩”在业界良好的口碑。其产品已被SONY、 TCL、SANYO、步步高、万利达、美的、港泰、嘉音、德赛等知名企业所长期使用。公司自创建以来,确立“以人为本”促进企业发展的战略,以不断创新来提升企业的竞争力。公司通过了ISO9001-2000国际质量管理体系认证,实行现代企业管理模式,紧跟市场步伐,追求可持续发展的战略目标。随着国际市场的发展趋势,公司产品已全部达到“ROHS”指令的要求。其品种达三十多个系列、800多款规格,产品广泛应用于:家电、汽车、通讯、玩具、灯具、舞台音响、仪器、医疗设备等。公司拥有先进的加工设备、精密的检测仪器及可靠性试验设备,年产能达8千万多只。“科技创新、严格管理、质量好的、顾客满意”是公司坚持了近10多年的质量方针,客户满意将是“惠嵩”永远追求的目标。

Dongguan city song electronics co., LTD. Founded in 2002, the specialty is engaged in the potentiometer, encoder, electronic switch. The development and manufacturing of socket. In 2004 to open a new factory in zhejiang, Shanghai, fujian, jiangsu and shandong have offices, the company factory building area of 10000 m2, the existing staff 1000 people, including professional and technical personnel more than 100. The joint efforts of all colleagues of the company through nearly 10 years, has been implemented, new product development, mold manufacturing, parts manufacturing, finished product assembly integration; Created a "HuiSong" good reputation in the industry. Its products have been SONY, TCL, SANYO, backgammon, manata, midea, port of Thailand, jia, desai and other well-known enterprises have long-term use. Company since its inception, to establish "people-oriented" strategy to promote the development of enterprise, continuous innovation to improve enterprise competitiveness. The company passed the ISO9001-2000 international quality management system certification, implement modern enterprise management mode, with the market pace, the pursuit of sustainable development of strategic objectives. With the development trend of the international market, the company products have all reached the requirements of "ROHS" directive. Have more than 30 varieties of series, more than 800 specifications, products are widely used in: home appliance, automotive, telecommunications, toys, lamps and lanterns, stage audio, instruments, medical equipment, etc. The company has advanced processing equipment, precision testing instruments and reliability test equipment, annual production capacity of more than 80 million. "Science and technology innovation, strict management, quality first, customer satisfaction" is the company's recent 10 years of quality policy, adhere to customer satisfaction will be "HuiSong" forever pursuit of goals.



  • 主营: 电位器,编码器,开关,插座
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